//TITLES FOR HALF-LIFE // Position command $position x y // x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent // -1 means center in each dimension // Effect command $effect <effect number> // effect 0 is fade in/fade out // effect 1 is flickery credits // effect 2 is write out (training room) // Text color r g b command $color // fadein time fadeout time / hold time // $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2) // $fadeout (message fade out time) // $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long) //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 CR27 { Black Mesa Research Facility Black Mesa, New Mexico } //INTRO CREDITS // Test values -- JAY // Lower left $position 0.1 0.8 $effect 1 // Final fade-in color $color 128 128 128 // This is the highlight/flash color $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 1.5 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 1.2 CR1 { Ted Backman } CR2 { TK Backman } CR3 { Kelly Bailey } CR4 { Yahn Bernier } CR5 { Ken Birdwell } CR6 { Steve Bond } CR7 { Dario Casali } CR8 { John Cook } CR9 { Greg Coomer } CR10 { Wes Cumberland } CR11 { John Guthrie } CR12 { Mona Lisa Guthrie } CR13 { Mike Harrington } CR14 { Monica Harrington } CR15 { Brett Johnson } CR16 { Chuck Jones } CR17 { Marc Laidlaw } CR18 { Karen Laur } CR19 { Randy Lundeen } CR20 { Yatsze Mark } CR21 { Lisa Mennet } CR22 { Gabe Newell } CR23 { Dave Riller } CR24 { Aaron Stackpole } CR25 { Jay Stelly } CR26 { Harry Teasley } CR35 { Steve Theodore } CR36 { Bill Van Buren } CR37 { Robin Walker } CR38 { Douglas R. Wood } //END CREDITS $position -1 -1 $effect 0 // Final fade-in color $color 128 128 128 // This is the highlight/flash color $color2 0 0 0 $fadein 0.5 $fadeout 0.5 $holdtime 4 VALVEIS { Valve is: } END1 { Ted Backman TK Backman Kelly Bailey Yahn Bernier Ken Birdwell Steve Bond Dario Casali John Cook Greg Coomer Wes Cumberland } END2 { John Guthrie Mona Lisa Guthrie Mike Harrington Monica Harrington Brett Johnson Chuck Jones Marc Laidlaw Karen Laur Randy Lundeen Yatsze Mark } END3 { Lisa Mennet Gabe Newell Dave Riller Aaron Stackpole Jay Stelly Harry Teasley Steve Theodore Bill Van Buren Robin Walker Douglas R. Wood } //INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 CR28 { SUBJECT: Gordon Freeman Male, age 27 } CR29 { EDUCATION: Ph.D., MIT, Theoretical Physics } CR30 { POSITION: Research Associate } CR31 { ASSIGNMENT: Anomalous Materials Laboratory } CR32 { CLEARANCE: Level 3 } CR33 { ADMINISTRATIVE SPONSOR: Classified } CR34 { DISASTER RESPONSE PRIORITY: Discretionary } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 GAMEOVER { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: EVALUATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject failed to effectively utilize human assets in achievement of goal. } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 TRAITOR { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: HIRED AWAITING ASSIGNMENT } $fadein 0.03 $holdtime 9 LOSER { SUBJECT: FREEMAN STATUS: OBSERVATION TERMINATED POSTMORTEM: Subject declined offer of employment. } //CHAPTER TITLES $fadein 0.01 $position -1 0.4 $holdtime 3.5 T0A0TITLE { HAZARD COURSE } $position -1 0.65 C0A0TITLE { BLACK MESA INBOUND } OPENTITLE3 { } OPENTITLE4 { } C0A1TITLE { ANOMALOUS MATERIALS } C1A1TITLE { UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES } C1A2TITLE { OFFICE COMPLEX } C1A3TITLE { "WE'VE GOT HOSTILES" } C1A4TITLE { BLAST PIT } C2A1TITLE { POWER UP } C2A2TITLE { ON A RAIL } C2A3TITLE { APPREHENSION } C2A4TITLE1 { RESIDUE PROCESSING } C2A4TITLE2 { QUESTIONABLE ETHICS } C2A5TITLE { SURFACE TENSION } C3A1TITLE { "FORGET ABOUT FREEMAN!" } C3A2TITLE { LAMBDA CORE } C4A1TITLE { XEN } C4A1ATITLE { INTERLOPER } C4A1BTITLE { } C4A1CTITLE { } C4A1ETITLE { } C4A1FTITLE { } C4A2TITLE { GONARCH'S LAIR } C4A3TITLE { NIHILANTH } C5TITLE { ENDGAME } // In-Game messages $position -1 0.65 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.01 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 2.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 0.5 GAMESAVED { Saved... } // Game title // This is a placeholder to hold the effects controls for the "Half-Life" title $position -1 -1 // Only effect 0 is supported for game title $effect 0 // This is the final color $color 180 180 180 // Not used color2 $color2 0 0 0 // This is the time it takes to fade in the title $fadein 1.0 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.0 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 GAMETITLE { Half-Life } //HAZARD COURSE TEXT // Test values -- JAY $position -1 0.65 // Scan-out text effect $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 0 200 50 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.005 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.5 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 $position -1 0.3 HZBUTTON1 { PRESS YOUR USE KEY TO PUSH A BUTTON } $position -1 0.65 HZBUTTON2 { PRESS YOUR USE KEY TO PUSH A BUTTON } HZMOVE { MOVE FORWARD BY PRESSING FORWARD KEY MOVE BACKWARD BY PRESSING BACKWARD KEY MOVE LEFT BY PRESSING MOVELEFT MOVE RIGHT BY PRESSING MOVERIGHT } HZJUMP { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO RUN FORWARD PRESS JUMP KEY TO JUMP } HZDUCK { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO RUN FORWARD PRESS DUCK KEY TO DUCK PRESS FORWARD + DUCK KEYS TOGETHER TO MOVE IN STEALTH MODE } HZCOMBO { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO RUN FORWARD PRESS JUMP KEY TO JUMP PRESS DUCK KEY TO DUCK PRESS JUMP KEY TO JUMP } HZDUCKJUMP { PRESS FORWARD + JUMP TOGETHER, THEN THE DUCK KEY } HZLADDER { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO MOVE UP LADDERS PRESS BACKWARD KEY TO MOVE DOWN LADDERS } HZLJUMP { WHILE MOVING FORWARD, HOLD DOWN DUCK KEY-- THEN PRESS JUMP } $position -1 0.3 HZLMOD { BE SURE YOU PICKED UP THE LONG-JUMP MODULE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE OBSTACLE } $position -1 0.65 HZMEDKIT { USE MED-KITS BY HOLDING DOWN THE USE KEY HOLD DOWN USE KEY UNTIL HEALTH IS AT 100 OR KIT IS DEPLETED } HZMOMENT { ACTIVATE WHEELS AND DIALS BY HOLDING DOWN THE USE KEY HOLD USE KEY UNTIL BRIDGE IS IN POSITION } HZPUSH { PRESS FORWARD KEY TO MOVE AGAINST BOX KEEP PRESSING FORWARD TO PUSH BOX } HZPULL { PRESS USE + BACKWARD KEYS TOGETHER TO PULL BOX BACKWARD } HZCROWBAR { MOVE UP TO CROWBAR PRESS ATTACK1 KEY TO BREAK OBJECTS } HZLITEON { PRESS FLASHLIGHT KEY TO TURN FLASHLIGHT ON } HZLITEOFF { PRESS FLASHLIGHT KEY AGAIN TO TURN FLASHLIGHT OFF } HZWEAPON { MOVE UP TO WEAPON TO PICK IT UP } HZFIREWEAP { PRESS ATTACK1 KEY FOR PRIMARY ATTACK PRESS ATTACK2 KEY FOR ALTERNATE ATTACK PRESS RELOAD KEY TO RELOAD AT WILL } HZARMOR { PRESS AND HOLD YOUR USE KEY HOLD DOWN UNTIL SUIT ARMOR IS CHARGED OR CHARGER IS DEPLETED } HZSWIM { PRESS YOUR FORWARD KEY AIM WITH THE MOUSE AS YOU SWIM FIND AIR IF YOU BEGIN TO LOSE HEALTH WAIT IN THE AIR UNTIL HEALTH RETURNS TO FORMER LEVEL } HZDAMAGE { CERTAIN TYPES OF DAMAGE WILL REGISTER ON YOUR HEADS-UP DISPLAY. DIRECTION OF DAMAGE IS INDICATED BY RED FLASHES IN THE CENTER OF YOUR SCREEN } HZHAZARD { RADIATION HAZARDS ACTIVATE A GEIGER COUNTER } HZSCIENTIST { APPROACH SCIENTIST PRESS USE KEY TO RECEIVE HEALTH FROM SCIENTIST } HZBARNEY { APPROACH SECURITY GUARD PRESS YOUR USE KEY TO GET HIS HELP WALK TOWARD DOOR AND GUARD WILL ACTIVATE BUTTONS } HZTRAIN { PRESS USE KEY TO ENGAGE TRAIN PRESS FORWARD KEY TO ACCELERATE PRESS BACKWARD KEY TO DECELERATE PRESS USE KEY AGAIN TO DISENGAGE } HZDONE { CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE BLACK MESA HAZARD COURSE. COME BACK ANY TIME. } Spec_Mode1 { Locked Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode2 { Free Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode3 { Free-Look } Spec_Mode4 { First Person } Spec_Mode5 { Free Map Overview } Spec_Mode6 { Chase Map Overview } Spec_NoTarget { No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode. } Spec_Help_Title { Spectator Mode } Spec_Help_Text { Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target } Spec_Slow_Motion { Slow Motion } Spec_Replay { Instant Replay } Spec_Auto { Auto } // Multiplayer Scoreboard Spec_Map { Map } Spectators { Spectators } Unassigned { Unassigned } TEAMS { TEAMS } PLAYERS { PLAYERS } CLASS { CLASS } SCORE { SCORE } DEATHS { DEATHS } LATENCY { PING } VOICE { VOICE } // other menu text Menu_OK { OK } Menu_Cancel { CANCEL } Mic_Volume { Mic Volume } Speaker_Volume { Speaker Volume } Voice_Properties { Voice Properties } Map_Description_not_available { Map Description not available. } Player { player } Player_plural { players } Muted { You have muted %s. } Unmuted { You have unmuted %s. } No_longer_hear_that_player { You will no longer hear that player speak. } OBS_NONE { Camera Options } OBS_CHASE_LOCKED { Locked Chase-Cam } OBS_CHASE_FREE { Free Chase-Cam } OBS_ROAMING { Roaming } OBS_IN_EYE { First Person } OBS_MAP_FREE { Free Overview } OBS_MAP_CHASE { Chase-Cam Overview } SPECT_OPTIONS { Options } CAM_OPTIONS { Camera Options } Spec_Duck { Press DUCK for Spectator Menu } Valve_Close { Close } Valve_Help { Help } Valve_Settings { Settings } Valve_Chat_Messages { Chat Messages } Valve_Show_Status { Show Status } Valve_View_Cone { View Cone } Valve_Player_Names { Player Names } Valve_PIP { Picture-In-Picture } Valve_Auto_Director { Auto Director } Valve_Show_Score { Show Scores } //DEMO CHAPTER TITLES $fadein 0.01 $position -1 0.65 $holdtime 3.5 DEMOTITLE { UPLINK } //DEMO INTRO TEXT $position -1 0.65 $effect 2 $color 100 100 100 $color2 0 200 50 $fadein 0.005 $fxtime 0.5 $holdtime 3.5 $fadeout 2.5 //FROM INTRO TITLES // All centered for now $position -1 -1 $effect 2 // This is the final color $color 100 100 100 // This is the highlight color $color2 240 110 0 // This is the time it takes to fade each character $fadein 0.02 // This is the amount of time the highlight lags behind the leading edge of the text $fxtime 0.25 // How long to hold the message on the screen (after it scans out) $holdtime 3.5 // How long it takes to fade out the message after holding $fadeout 1.5 DEMOTXT1 { SUBJECT: GORDON FREEMAN, Ph.D. } DEMOTXT2 { CURRENT LOCATION: LAMBDA REACTOR COMPLEX BLACK MESA RESEARCH FACILITY } DEMOTXT3 { TIME: CONTAINMENT FAILURE + 48.00 HRS } DEMOTXT4 { STATUS: EVALUATION IN PROGRESS } $holdtime 7.5 DEMOTXT6 { CURRENT EVALUATION: UPLINK COMPLETED. } DEMOTXT7 { REQUIRE FURTHER DATA. }