Updating an existing MySQL database to MariaDB

What is MariaDB?
On https://mariadb.org/ MariaDB describes itself as "An enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL."
This means you can think of MariaDB as a MySQL fork with some enhancements, but 100% compatible with

Why did TeamSpeak switch to MariaDB?
1. We had to switch over to MySQL 5.5 for other reasons (see point 2). Because we had to do this, we
   looked at what the community was doing. There seemed to be many high profile companies that have
   switched to MariaDDB from MySQL. One of the reasons (which also applies to us) is better 
   licensing conditions, and concern of what Oracle is doing with MySQL.
2. To fully support Utf8 characters, we need the TeamSpeak database to work with the 'utf8mb4'
   character set. This was not available when TeamSpeak 3 was released back in 2009. This character
   set was introduced in MySql 5.5.3 and thus we needed to upgrade to a MySQL client 5.5 or higher.
   For reasons stated in point 1, we decided to switch to MariaDB while we were at it.

Why do we need to update the database?
MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL, so normally you would not need to update your database.
But you need to run two (or in special cases just one) update scripts. These scripts are located in

1. convert_mysql_to_mariadb.sql
This script converts all the tables to use the 'utf8mb4' character set, and adds a new table 
teamspeak3_metadata to signal the ts3db_mariadb plugin that the database has been converted.

2. mariadb_fix_latin_utf8.sql
Due to a bug in the old ts3db_mysql plugin, all the text the ts3server sent to MySQL was interpreted
as 'latin1' character set text even though we sent utf8 encoded text. This resulted in text data
being recoded again as utf8 in the database, resulting in utf8 encoded as utf8(mb4). This script
undoes this double encoding, and fixes some errors resulting from that. The only time you do not
have to run this script, is if you have a specially compiled libmysqlclient that had the default 
character set set to utf8. If you do not know if this was the case, then you can assume you need to
run this script.

Step by step instructions.
It would be smart to make a backup of the database first, and test these following steps on the
backup first. This can avoid some nasty surprises later.

1. Stop *all* ts3 server using this database. If you have one or more live ts3 servers running while
   running these scripts, BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN.
2. Make a backup of the database. (Just in case)
3. Using mysql client, run the convert_mysql_to_mariadb.sql on the database.
4. Using mysql client, run the mariadb_fix_latin_utf8.sql on the database. (unless you had a 
   libmysqlclient compiled with default character set utf8, which is unlikely).
6. Edit the plugin ini file you had for mysql, usually ts3db_mysql.ini, if needed. Probably
   these settings will stay the same though. Also you should rename the ini file to
   ts3db_mariadb.ini, although this is not strictly needed.
7. Copy the libmariadb.dll/.so/.dylib from the redist folder to the same folder as the plugin (main 
   folder). You can omit this step if you want to use your own (or system installed) libmariadb.
   You can get the official libs here: https://downloads.mariadb.org/client-native/
8. Edit your ts3server.ini or what ever you named your ini startup file.
   -change dbplugin=ts3db_mysql to dbplugin=ts3db_mariadb
   -change dbsqlcreatepath=create_mysql/ to dbsqlcreatepath=create_mariadb/
   -change dbpluginparameter=ts3db_mysql.ini to dbpluginparameter=ts3db_mariadb.ini if you changed
   it in step 6
9. Start your ts3 server(s).
10. Reward your self with your drink of choice for a job well done.